This toolkit supports Health Partnerships in integrating a GESI approach by identifying entry points across all elements of Health Partnership work: project design and implementation; internal organisational structures and activities; and monitoring and evaluation activities. Using the information in this document and the tools in the annexes, you will be able conduct a GESI needs assessment and develop a GESI Strategy and Action Plan to ensure this is considered in the design, delivery and monitoring of your activities.
Save the Children’s Gender and Power (GAP) Analysis Guidance is an essential tool to identify, understand, and address discrimination and inequalities that prevent children, their families, and communities from claiming their full and equal rights. It supports the design and adaptation of programming that positively transforms unequal power relations and ensures all stakeholders can equitably access, participate in, be decision makers for, and benefit from activities. It enables evidence-based programming and advocacy that advance gender equality and social justice.
This tool was designed to measure the gender-sensitivity of Afghan health facilities, and data are intended to be collected across all facilities annually. This tool will benefit the country’s healthcare system and enhance the measurement of gender sensitivity in health facilities, But can be applied to other contexts as well.