The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Gender Equality Toolbox is made up of tools that can guide foundation staff and partners in designing, managing and measuring the results and impact of gender intentional and gender transformative programs and investments. Contains Gender Equality lexicon, Conceptual Model of Women and Girls' Empowerment, Methods Note on Measuring Empowerment, Gender Equality Primer, Gender Integration Guide, Gender Integration Marker, and Gender Integration Marker Aid.
The Gender Guidance Process and Template was developed for country-level offices of health interested in developing their own gender guidance documents. The document is divided into two sections. The process section outlines a method for developing gender guidelines, following a strategic planning process of assessment, objective setting, strategy development, and M&E. The template section provides a template which summarizes the outcomes of the strategic planning process and provides guidance to implementing partners on how to integrate gender into their projects.
The principle of gender mainstreaming consists of taking systematic account of the differences between the conditions, situations and needs of women and men in all Community policies and actions. The gender impact assessment is one of the methods for gender mainstreaming. It should be used in the very early stage of any policymaking, i.e. when designing it. The aim is to achieve a significant impact not only on the policy design but also on its planning, in order to ensure adequate equality outcomes.
Gender in Water and Sanitation highlights in brief form, approaches to redressing gender inequality in the water and sanitation sector. It is a working paper as the Water and Sanitation Program and its partners continue to explore and document emerging practice from the field. In each section good mainstreaming practices are highlighted, while a checklist summarizes key points to consider when mainstreaming gender.
This framework offers guidance for how FHI 360’s research and programs can systematically identify and challenge gender-based inequalities that pose barriers to development. The Gender Integration Framework offers guiding principles, provides definitions, explains gender integration, introduces gender analysis and addresses gender integration in programs and research. If used consistently and adapted as we learn from daily practice, this framework can enable us to make gender a positive aspect around which individual lives can be improved and human development advanced.
The Gender Tool Box gathers knowledge material and method support on gender equality in the form of tools, briefs and thematic overviews. The tool box features gender mainstreaming tools includingthree main approaches: Integration of gender equality in interventions in general; Targeting specific groups or issues through special interventions; Dialogue with partners on gender sensitive issues and aspects.
The manual provides skills and networks that will allow users to: Improve the health of women and girls as set out in several international agreements; promote gender equality and health equity by addressing the broader determinants of health for men and boys, women and girls; strengthen health systems and primary health care approaches; involve women and men in health decisions that directly affect their lives; develop, implement and monitor gender-responsive health policies and programmes; and engage in multisectoral activities and dialogue towards addressing gender and gender inequality as determinants of health.
This guidance note focuses on country gender mainstreaming responses within national programmes and across sectors. Using a technical illustrative approach, it unpacks the types and sequencing of decisions and actions at each level and step of decision-making—when laws, policies, budgets, and statistics for service delivery and programmes are being developed, operationalized and/or assessed. The guidance note discusses major changes in gender mainstreaming norms within the current global development context and provides general principles for implementing gender mainstreaming at the country level
This tool equips the user with the tools for 'gender gardening' inorder to detect where and why gender inequalities occur and to assist you in developing adequate and approriate interventions. It takes a gender perspective to achieving health equity and provides evidence to show how biological factors interact with gender norms, roles and relations (or socio-cultural factors) to affect the health of women and men and that of their communities.
CARE’s Gender Marker is a self-assessment program quality and learning tool. It measures the integration of gender into programming along the CARE Gender Continuum from harmful to transformative. The Gender Marker enables CARE to track, improve on, and support more effective, gender integrated programming. The Gender Marker is designed to be used in combination with Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability systems to help teams reflect on the integration of gender in order to learn from and improve the gendered approach of their work.
GENPAR, or the Gender in Infectious Disease Epidemic Preparedness And Response Toolkit, is a set of benchmarks and tools to integrate gender into select core capacities of the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005. GENPAR provides a set of actions (WHAT to do) as well as a range of tools (HOW to do it) to achieve each benchmark in integrating gender into the preparedness and response capacities covered by the toolkit. Using GENPAR, gender can be integrated into selected capacities step-by-step.
The purpose of monitoring and evaluating health programs is to track and support progress toward intended reforms and reach intended beneficiaries, as well as to assess whether intended outputs and outcomes have been achieved2. As a result, it is important that health programs, interventions, and reforms proactively address gender inequalities, and that monitoring and evaluation of these efforts track whether, and to what extent, the desired success is being achieved. If we do not measure gender inequality, we will not be able to address it.
This brief explores what gender-responsive M&E is, why it is important, and how to integrate it into health programs, with a particular focus on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health.
This tool allows you to do conduct a gender service delivery quality assessment. It includes a checklist against different performance standards.
This toolkit provides practical guidance to support gender analysis and the integration of gender considerations into UNICEF programming, with intent. This toolkit addresses key questions such as: How can we make our analysis sharper in order to uncover gender barriers? What can we do to unblock systems bottlenecks and drive gender-responsive and gender transformative programming? What is needed to promote gender inequality as well as women and girls’ empowerment? How do UNICEF systems support measuring our programming, documenting our results and enable us to express a compelling storyline?