The facilitated self-assessment guide provides the opportunity to discuss and reflect on current strengths and how to improve processes that drive positive change in GESI through your projects and organisation. The guide supports individual and collective reflective practice among staff on the extent and quality of gender equality and social inclusion work in their WASH projects and organisation, and it designed for anyone working on WASH implementation or research projects that wants to improve (GESI) practice.
This Guide aims to strengthen programming by providing clear approaches and recommendations for projects that promote gender-sensitive SBC to improve nutrition outcomes within the context of undernutrition and food security. This guidance is based on the 1,000 Days approach, thus PLW and children under two are the target beneficiaries for this work. While it was designed for use in nutrition and food security programming, approaches may also be applicable to other sectors and programs. However, it may be necessary to tailor the recommendations and tools in this Guide to fit a particular program context.
Provides a framework and concrete steps for building attention to gender inequality into the monitoring and evaluation of sexual and reproductive health and HIV responses, into the information systems that generate evidence, and into data analysis. This tool enables the generation of strategic information (that is, data and evidence for decision-making) that supports mainstreaming gender in national plans and programmes. The core content of the tool is applied to M&E of the HIV epidemic and response. However, the tool can be easily applied to M&E of SRH as well as other health problems and programmes.
This tool allows you to do conduct a gender service delivery quality assessment. It includes a checklist against different performance standards.
This tool was designed to measure the gender-sensitivity of Afghan health facilities, and data are intended to be collected across all facilities annually. This tool will benefit the country’s healthcare system and enhance the measurement of gender sensitivity in health facilities, But can be applied to other contexts as well.
The Jhpiego Gender Analysis Toolkit is a practical guide for public health professionals seeking to understand how gender can impact health outcomes, both through service delivery and access to information and care. Its primary focus is sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health. The purpose of the Gender Analysis Toolkit is to provide research questions to guide data collection when performing a project-level gender analysis.
This toolkit aims to help international health programs integrate a gender perspective in their monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities, measures, and reporting. It is designed for use by health program staff working in various health sectors (such as HIV; malaria; reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health; and tuberculosis), and for various health agencies and initiatives. The toolkit will support health program staff to integrate gender in their programs, projects, and M&E activities.